She's a keeper my Mum.
She whipped this gorgeous thing up for me a few years back, after having done something similiar, albeit slightly shorter, for my sister. Of course me being me I wanted it ridiculously long, (it clocks in at just a smidgeon under 250cm, winning!), and that's exactly what I got.
Of course along with it's crazy length, it also weighs a shitload. Did not consider that so obvious consequence when I made my request. Sometimes I just get blinded by the fashion, you know.
I'm actually what you might call a scarf enthusiast. Though my quite smallish collection probably contradicts that, I do love a good scarf, or even a not so good one, it's all in how you wear it.
Happy scarfing!
Unless of course you're in the northern hemisphere, then maybe bookmark this post for a few months time. Or not, feel free to scarf it up in the middle of summer.
pics: streetpeeper