Tuesday, July 15, 2014

this week #1

In the spirit of mixing things up 'round here, as mentioned previously, I'm starting a weekly (I hope it'll be weekly!) post of a random selection of links and information and just general stuff - some of which may, in fact, be nonsense. 

The past week has been just a little eventful for me, great wonderful things are beginning to happen - and not just my subscriptions to The Paris Review and the London Review of Books. In the interest of fabulous analogies; it's like those last few weeks of winter when the bulbs start waking from their hibernation and moving around under the dirt before slowly peaking their heads above the surface, drinking in the sunshine and rain as Spring moves in before bursting into the fresh air with all their glorious colour. I re-read The Secret Garden recently so that explains that. 

1) I'm suddenly quite into skincare. A recent occurrence which owes a lot to UK blogger and skin superstar Caroline Hirons. Over the past few weeks I've often found myself tucked up in bed, laptop in lap, trawling her archives - her 'cheat sheets' are brilliant. I've actually washed my face every night for the past three weeks because Caroline told me I should. Obsessed. And in light of the big ban, now have spare dollars to buy lots of lovely products!

2) Some fashion tips from uber stylish Frenchie Ines de la Fressange: If you love it, buy more than one, borrow from the boys, when in doubt, customise and take the good with the bad - de la Fressange claims that fashion and good taste are, like a good perfume, made with a little bad taste; a sentiment I wholeheartedly support and endorse more regularly than I'd probably like to admit!

3) As a journalism student and general appreciator/practitioner of writing, I'm always interested to hear words of wisdom, tips or just information from people with more knowledge or experience than me. This Storify titled 'Suzanne Moore's Guide to Journalism' is equal parts amusing and honest.

4) Work has a mixed CD that plays on repeat, which means multiple accidental listens of some truly annoying songs, but also regular appearances by The Spice Girls; which have no doubt been instrumental in my burgeoning re-appreciation for their music and just general girl power/feminism rocks vibe. Plus, this awesome piece from 1997 by US writer Kathy Acker. You're welcome. 

5) 'It might seem crazy wearing stripes with plaid. I Instagram every meal I've had...' Watch, if only for the gloriously bad taste fash-un - I wonder if this is the bad taste Ines was talking about?

kb xx