I'm not exactly sure what my inability to publish this post on the same day every week says about me, other than my style is obviously inherently linked with the adage that variety is the spice of life.
So, here I have things that have captured my attention this week. And yes, I have decided against just filling this place with links to articles found in the archives of The New Yorker, though how long that holds out I'm not sure.
#paythewriters - I am, unfortunately, not one of those people that derive their income - or any income at all - from writing. But I am one of those people who believe in the importance of the written word, and I think it's pretty important we pay people for writing those words.
This week two pieces were published that spoke to two different sides of the debate: professional writers/freelance journalists who get all their dollars from writing and those half 'amateur' (still not sold on that world, feels like a dig at one's ability or talent) among us who support their writing with second or even third jobs. They both raise valid points, but perhaps most important they are continuing a discussion that is, hopefully, working towards a solution. A solution that is increasingly looking like some form of union or collective. Where do I sign up?
Clem Bastow's piece for The Lifted Brow here
And Anwyn Crawford's for Overland Journal here.
WILD - My fascination with the ABC radio show Conversations, helmed by the imitable Richard Fielder is well established. And this episode, which I've listed to twice this week already, from the 2013 Sydney Writers Festival is a captivating listen. After the death of her Mother, Cheryl Strayed decided to walk the 1700km trail from the Mojave Desert to Oregon. Along the way she lost skin and toe-nails and developed some serious calluses. But she also regained her sanity. And her experiences resulted in the book Wild.
Well worth a listen.
U-Huh - My taste in tunes, not unlike my taste in general, is eclectic. So, that the latest from Adelaidean Tkay Maidza U-Huh has caught my attention is no surprise to me. I'm getting Paper Planes vibes and that is not a bad thing. You may remember Maidza's ode to dinosaurs Brontosaurus from last year? Either way, lady has skills. Plus, check those threads Maidza wears in the clip, ridiculously good.
Right, that's this week. I'm off to catch up with an old friend, drink cider and laugh at the absurdity of life.
kb xx