Watching: Twin Peaks
Never let it be said that I'm one to see things as soon as they appear, a jumper of bandwagons, an ardent follower of the zeitgeist. I'd given Twin Peaks some breathing room, nearly twenty five years worth, and have only just downloaded the first season this month. And then of course chatter starts about a return of the series, which has been confirmed for 2016. I'm sure I'll get to the new series by 2040 at least.
Listening: No Doubt Just A Girl
No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom was one of the first CD’s I ever bought, back in the days when we bought physical CD’s and not space on our hard drives. Just A Girl, in fact that entire album, has been a favourite ever since that first spin on my little CD player. Don’t blame me if this trip down (my) memory lanes results in hours spent clicking from one No Doubt hit to the next. Because that’s exactly what I did. Don’t Speak, Sunday Morning, Spiderwebs, Excuse Me Mr.
You’re welcome.

Reading: Simon Armitage’s Walking Home
I saw British poet Simon Armitage at the Melbourne Writers Festival (the session was recorded for Radio National and you can listen to it here) and though previously hesitant to engage in poetry found him, his work and his story of walking the Pennine Way as a troubadour, albeit the wrong way, capturing my attention. So I bought his book and have only now got around to reading it - it’s a large TBR pile that sits on my bedside table. It’s an entertaining read, a mix of travel and memoir and laced with a little of that self deprecating humour that appeals to me. Perhaps it is my yearning for, and indeed my impending, adventure, but Armitage’s walk along the Pennine Way feels relevant to me right now. Not to say I’m planning to tackle the 256 mile walk anytime soon, perhaps it’s more in the attempting of rather than the actual doing that feels relevant.
Anyway, that's this week.
kb xx