Sunday, May 05, 2013

currently crushing: gumboots.........

Yes gumboots. An unusual choice for a shoe lover? Well I'm an equal opportunity shoe lover, there's no discrimination around here. If you're a pretty, fun loving, sexy, scary, crazy, hot or ridiculous shoe, or even a combination of some or all of these qualities, you are always welcome.

Now that's established let's talk rubber on our feet.

Rainboots, gummies, wellies, rubberboots, topboots, gumbies, wellies or Alaskan sneakers, whatever you choose to call them, (I choose gumbies), they are a lot of fun. I say fun because I associate the wearing of gumbies with two things. Rain soaked mud filled music festivals and jumping in puddles. Both excellent ways to spend your time.

Now any serious gumbie connoisseur will know that Hunter is the boss of gumboots, though they call them wellingtons. They make them in every colour you could imagine, I'm talking pink and blue and metallic with both a tall version and a short. So the hardest part about this search was not so much finding the gumboots as resisting the urge to just put a big ass link to the Hunter website here and leave it at that.

I managed to resist that urge, though I have included a couple of Hunters, they're just too damn cool.

the kirby bee currently crushing gumboots wellingtons hunter burberry

Now if you're not ready to jump head long into the gumboot wearing life why not try it out, dip your toes in with these black ankle boots by Mel, they even have little bows on the side, too cute. Or the bright red kicks from Topshop. Both are under a hundy so if you find you are actually adverse to jumping in puddles, (as crazy as that sounds) at least you won't have burned a hole in your wallet.

Right at the other end of the wallet burning scale, weighing in at $400 a pop, the shiny black Burberry rubber and twill wellington might not be at the top of your list, (they're at the top of mine!), but if you're serious about either music festivals or puddle jumping they're a sure bet.

The burgundy babes from Topshop have a lovely little ribbon to tie up, that's a gumboot accessory folks, that's the future.

And of course the Hunters. The dark green gumbies are a traditionalists dream. Plus they're styling so two ticks for them. The bright turquoise are just fun right? Even if there were no puddles or mud filled music festivals to be found you'd still be having a great time.

And lastly the gold Hunters are not only ridiculous, (in a gorgeous amazing way), they're also a ridiculous price on The Outnet right now.

